Fact-based Tennis Instruction

We create and produce fact-based educational tennis instruction videos and courses, which are grounded in scientific truths. 

Live-in-person Tennis Clinics

We conduct live in-person tennis clinics and lessons which equip athletes of all levels with the necessary skills and knowledge they won't find in traditional training. 

Revolutionary Coach's Training

Before we can produce great athletes, we must have highly skilled coaches. We offer coach-specific training that focuses on a mental, philosophical, and scientific approach. We also help navigate cutting-edge technology in order to master their craft. 


At ITC, we believe that sports and technology complement each other. Without detailed stats, video, analysis, and so forth, progress takes much longer to achieve. This is why we have partnered with some of the country's leading tech companies to advance the game of tennis. 

Local Training

We understand that time and resources are not luxuries everyone can afford. If you have individuals or groups that would benefit from our services, we can make arrangements to come to you. 

Personalized Video Feedback

Personalized video feedback is the heartbeat of ITC. Many sports have long been using this methodology. We bring it to tennis. Shave hours off your training and thousands of dollars to see lightning-fast results.